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White Lithium Grease

White Lithium Grease

White Lithium Grease with CERFLON® cuts friction to extend life. Sprays on easily—sets up as a lubricating grease that will not melt, run, wash off, or freeze. Inhibits corrosion and is 50-state compliant. Features state-of-the-art Cerflon® solid lubricant for superior durability and long-lasting lubrication. Suitable for automotive, home, marine, RV, farm, and shop applications.

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Wheel Wire Brush

Wheel Wire Brush

Wheel brushes with a thread are ideal for working in areas that are hard to reach. Usually, the brushes are used on angle grinders.

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Ultrathermic™ Cutting Rods

Ultrathermic™ Cutting Rods

Burning in excess of 10,000°F at the tip, Broco Underwater Ultrathermic Cutting Rods cut or melt virtually any known material. The rods feature alloy core wires retained by circular crimps, ensuring safety by preventing burnback into the torch. They can be bent 90 degrees or more to access hard-to-reach places without restricting oxygen flow or causing insulation to split or flake off. Available in 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch diameters, with a standard length of 18 inches. For heavier jobs, Broco offers 36-inch Ultrathermic Cutting Rods, allowing more burn time between rod changes.

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Ultimate Underwater Cutting

Ultimate Underwater Cutting

The Broco Underwater Ultrathermic Cutting System is the most widely used and highly recommended underwater cutting tool. The Broco system provides the fastest, most efficient, and cost-effective means of completing underwater jobs involving cutting and piercing. The Ultrathermic cutting rod produces a temperature in excess of 10,000°F—hot enough to quickly melt almost anything including cast iron, stainless steel, brass, and other ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as concrete. Approved for Navy Use (ANU) and featured in the U.S. Navy’s Underwater Welding and Cutting manual, the Broco Underwater Ultrathermic Cutting System is used by navies and commercial customers around the world.

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Ultimate Breacher Tool

Ultimate Breacher Tool

The Ultimate Breacher Tool is a versatile tool designed for first responders and military breaching operations. It combines a sledge, pry, ram, and rake in one unit, built from durable AR500 plate and chrome-moly steel.

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Tube/Condenser Wire Brushes are designed for cleaning tubes, gratings, and cylinders. They also regulate current velocity in tubing systems and assist in deburring cross-drillings.

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