Subcategory of Marine & Offshore
The PC/MIL-60 is the vehicle-mounted heavy rescue evolution of the Broco industrial torch. Fulfills the requirement for cutting heavy steel, aluminum, titanium, and armor plate with a rapid deployment, easy-to-use tool.
Enforcer rams are compact yet incredibly powerful.
Fast, quiet electric operation with the strength of hydraulics, the ‘SAS’ Breacher’s jamb spreading and door pushing dual ram assembly is the ideal tool for heavily reinforced inward opening doors.
Best performance, long life, incredible value. Cuts steel, concrete, correctional glass, and much more. Double-layer diamonds in a vacuum-brazed nickel matrix. Solid core 4.5”, 7”, 12” and 14” blades can’t break (16” blades have laser-welded cutting edges). 9” blade is new for 2017. Diamond Ripper fits gas saws with 20mm and 1” spindles; Mini-Ripper fits 7/8” and 5/8” grinders.
The Broco SNAP™ Quick Connect Cutting Rod System ensures quick and reliable rod changes with reusable fittings.
Broco Easylight Cutting Rods offer a lightweight and convenient solution for cutting applications without hazardous materials.
Self-contained cutting torch system for USAR, confined spaces, and heavy rescue applications.
High-performance exothermic breaching torch designed for cutting thick steel in tactical operations.